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5 Ways to Make Your Fresh Flower Arrangement Last

impermanence, a reminder to enjoy the present.

With that said, it's still nice to enjoy their beauty as long as possible, so here are a few tips to make your cut flowers last:

  1. Location, Location, Location!
    The first, and most important step towards keeping your fresh flowers fresh is where you put them. Of course, presenting your blooms in a location where they can be admired is important, but placing them in a sunny window or in line with a heat source will mean a quick demise for your blooms and scuzzy pond water in the vase. Ideally, look for a place in your home that is cool and out of direct sunlight - and of course visible for you to enjoy!
  2. Refresh + Refill
    Speaking of scuzzy pond flower stems sit in a vase of water, bacteria grows from decaying stems and plant matter. If you've brought a fresh cut bouquet home to arrange in your own vase, always make sure that any extra foliage on the stems has been removed to above the waterline. Refresh the water in your vase every few days, ideally before it becomes cloudy or smelly!
  3. Fresh Cut
    When you change out the water in your vase, give the stems a fresh cut. Usually about 1/4 - 1/2 inch is enough, but if you notice any discoloration, cut to above that line. This will remove deterioration and allow stems to drink again.
  4. Remove the Dead Stuff
    Some flowers last longer than others. As the more delicate blooms die, be sure to remove them from your arrangement. Not only will this prevent extra bacteria growth, rot and mold from forming in the bouquet, but removing dead flowers will also keep your arrangement looking fresh.
  5. Give Them Support
    As you remove flowers from your arrangement, you may find yourself with a lot of extra room in the vase. As your bouquet dwindles in flowers, change them to a smaller and/or taller style vase. Flower stems become weak as they age, so by giving them plenty of support to stand upright, they'll droop less quickly.

Farmhouse Floral by Estabrooks offers fresh cut flower arrangements for curbside pickup and local delivery on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. So while you're waiting for some spring flowers to pop, or to enjoy the blooms in your garden, consider ordering some flowers for yourself or a friend! Spring is near!

Published: 3/18/2021 | Author: Sarah Whiton